Designing a Prototype

2D Drawings

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Expenditure Sheet
To the right is an image of the expenditure sheet for our final rocket, the one we used during launch, after revisions were done. When choosing items to use in our rocket, we chose each one because we knew it would play a role in making our final product successful, as well as contribute to keeping the weight of our rocket low. There were some things that we had to purchase for this project, such as the items in ink, as well as the one inch clear tube and parachute material. We purchased the two inch body tube because we knew that it would serve as a light container for the "Watney," and we also used it for the transition on the body of our rocket. When got an additional material evaluation because we knew that we would be using marshmallows and duct tape. The marshmallows would be for cushioning the landing of the quail egg and absorbing impact in a lightweight manner, and the duct tape would provide a lighter adhesive alternative to hot glue. However, as you can see on our expenditure sheet, we did have to purchase a hot glue stick to secure some parts of the rocket with more stability. As mentioned earlier, the one inch clear tube was something we did have to purchase, because it would serve as a casing for the solid fuel engine. We bought a nose cone to aid in the flow of air around our final product, so that the launch would be more successful. The purpose of the two and three-fourths of an inch body tube was to be the primary body for the rocket. As a result, with the use of these products, our final product was predominantly successful.