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Daily Documetation
Day One 11/29/2016
Day one of project rocket launch consisted of brainstorming with the collaborative efforts of our team to design the base structure of our landing system. In addition, we launched this website, which will consist of daily documentation of our rocket progress, as well as other features.
Day Two 11/30/2016
Day two of project rocket launch involved deeper concept generation as a team to create a feasible system for the deployment of life safely back to earth from the rocket. Today's tasks also consisted of the development of a calendar to create plausible time constraints in between each benchmark in the project. ​

Day Three 12/1/2016
Day three of our rocket launch consisted of finalizing a plan to deploy our egg, which represents the human in the project. As our final idea we decided to put our egg in a plastic bag with marshmallows in it to help absorb and distribute the impact. However, this idea could change.
Day Four 12/2/2016
Today we finished brainstorming our rocket design, and now we just need to improve it based on the criteria and constraint. Our design is not final, as we still need to make calculations such as center of pressure and consider other design options.
Day Five 12/5/2016
Today we improved our finalized rocket design. We decided on a final rocket that we will be 2D and 3D modeling, as well as making a prototype for. We also updated our expenditure sheet so that we could plan to stay within a reasonable budget for this project.

Day Six 12/6/2016
Today we worked on creating our egg contraption design. We continued further making our box for the egg, as well as connecting the lid for our box to the parachute. We also started the creation of contracts for other countries to sign in order to obtain needed materials for our hab. We also finalized our 3D model for the rocket and escape module.
Day Seven 12/7/2016
Today's work included calculations for center of pressure, as well as the main goal of finalizing contracts. We had contracts with China, as well as Iran. We had to get two copies of contracts to fill out, and these contracts required signatures from each of our group members, as well as the leader of the country. We also had to fill out the terms for each contract, and in addition, print out the email chain where the actual negotiating took place.
Day Eight 12/13/2016
The main goal of today was to finish our egg drop contraption. Our design for this consisted of a hexagonal box, in which we created using cardboard and hot glue. We put marshmallows as padding inside, as well as the egg. We were going to originally use string to secure the lid (connected to our parachute) onto our box, however this proved to be unstable. As a result, we had to improvise and use scotch tape. We are testing these tomorrow, so we had to finish our design and make sure that our test egg would be safe and not crack.

Day Nine 12/14/2016
Today was the day when we tested our egg contraption. The goal of this was to see if our idea for the egg would be a viable solution to have in our final product. We went outside, and to the bleachers. We then dropped our egg and parachute, with the box and marshmallows and recorded it. With our design idea, our egg did not crack. However, we concluded that we would need a larger parachute for this, because when we actually launched our rocket it would be on a larger scale, and the impact the ground has on our model would have to be lessened.

Day Ten 12/15/2016
On this day of our rocket project, we worked on designing our actual rocket, so it could be ready by Tuesday of the following week. We worked through problems that we found in our egg drop testing, and created solutions for these problems. These barriers included things like weight, parachute size, and egg box size. For these, we were planning on just shortening the diameter of a 2.75" tube, which would cut down the size, and additionally, make its departure from the rocket after launch smoother. Also, we were going to but a larger parachute from a craft store, or design one from materials such as trash bags or other plastic bags. Furthermore, we started to configure our engine that would be used during the process of our rocket launch.
Day Eleven 12/16/2016
Today's work consisted of further construction of our model rocket. We created a new container for our egg to be stored in that was lighter, less bulky, and had a higher chance of deploying from the rocket with fewer complications. We also continued making the body and nose of the rocket. Finally, we successfully finished assembling our engine.
Day Twelve 12/19/2016
Today's work on our rocket project included constructing our model rocket still. We finished making all four of our fins, and we also duct taped the two parts of the body for our rocket together. We started to finish putting pieces together, and prepared to be finished by the end of class tomorrow.
Today's work consisted of finishing our rocket prototype. We finished constructing the fins, and put those on our rocket. In addition, we found where we were going to put our bomb, from the Iran negotiation, which is in the nose cone of our rocket. Even though this will add weight and meddle with the center of gravity, as well as launch height, it is one of the only ways that this extra weight could be centered. After today, we will be ready to launch our rockets quickly after our break for the holidays.
Day Thirteen 12/20/2016

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Day Fourteen 1/3/2017
On this day of finalizing our rocket, we worked on decreasing the weight of our rocket. To deploy your parachute, your rocket has to get high enough, so that the nose would come off. In order for this to happen, your rocket has to weigh around three ounces, including an egg, as well as the rest of the engine. This task was given by our teachers when they did some testing of the rockets, and found this out. As a result, we weighed our rocket in the beginning of class, and found it weight four and one half ounces, excluding the egg and engine part. We were told that the egg we had been given was changed to a quail egg, and was therefore smaller. In addition, we did not have to carry the "missile" that we were originally carrying for Iran, due to previous trades made. As a result, we cut down on the size of or escape capsule, and got rid of our missile. We also got rid of excess duct tape, glue, and body tubing, and changed the plastic nose cone we originally had to a paper one. In the end of the three hour time period that we completed this in, we managed to get the total weight of our rocket down to 3.1 ounces. Tomorrow we will be launching our rockets, and believe these innovations will contribute in the launch and success of our rocket.

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